Seasons of Our Lives

What season are you in right now?  Although technically in the Autumn of my life, sometimes I feel like it’s still summer .. and other times I’m thick in the middle of winter, and occasionally I experience all four seasons in one day!!

Paul Grilley says our yoga practice should be adaptable to our needs as we go through the seasons of our lives. My yoga practice is … changeable.  Listening to what my body needs ‘in that moment’ is my practice.  Being OK with doing less if the body is tired or recovering from illness.  I still occasionally overspend in my activity bank account, and when I do my body is really quite good at letting me know.  If I heed the early warning signs then I may get away with being in the red for a day.  If I try and push through then it’s likely that a correction will be forthcoming .. only a solid rest for both body and mind will bring me back to a credit balance.

It’s this personal experience that informs my teaching to others.  There is suitable Yoga for Every Body and adapting your practice to suit your individual needs is not only hugely beneficial on a physical level but also very empowering – you are your own best Teacher. But in addition to tailoring your practice to best serve your individual body you need to cater for the fluctuations of your energy and how life’s ups and downs affect your capacity to best utilise it.

While seeking balance in your Yoga practice you can give thought to:

  • How is my energy feeling right now? Noticing is always the first step.
  • Have I used much energy today? Sometimes when we feel low energy it is not because we have used it up but because we haven’t done enough to stimulate it.
  • Would I be best served with a strong or gentle practice?  Perhaps you need to conserve energy for something else coming up on the horizon.

Even when you are exhausted there is a practice for you – taking a fully supported Restorative Pose and listening to a Yoga Nidra can help boost your energy levels by providing well needed rest, and for most people it is much more effective than a nap. When combining these practices with the healing power of Sound and Guided Meditation you have a powerful Restorative Practice to provide the nourishment you require to replenish, renew and rejuvenate your body .. ensuring you are ready to deal with whatever life throws at you.

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